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Dry Eye Clinic

Dry Eye Condition is a chronic and at times debilitating disease.

Causes of Dry Eye can include:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Environment
  • Medications
  • Systemic disease                                                                                                                            

While there is no cure for dry eye, Lane Cove Eye Surgery’s Dry Eye Clinic can help analyse your situation to see if treatment of the symptoms is possible or if other management steps are an option.

During your consultation at Lane Cove Eye Surgery, your doctor will review aspects of your lifestyle or health that may influence or exacerbate the dry eye condition, particularly your eye’s tear production and tear quality. Also, your doctor will help with practical advice for the ongoing management of this condition.

On arrival to the clinic, we will ask you to complete a short survey, which will include asking about a list of your current medication, eye drops, ointments or creams you may use.

Lane Cove Eye Surgery